I'm on a journey into the great, awesome, glorious unknown. I have been captured by a love that transcends all reason, that is way bigger than myself and I cannot turn back. I am being drawn by the gravity of this love into increasing comprehension of its depths, loosing myself to it, forgetting who I am outside of its consuming glory.
I am going beyond the horizon, way beyond what I know and what I can see. Into the unknown places and spaces, dimensions and realities of Him. I am being drawn beyond my comprehension, leaving my own miniscule thoughts and ways behind – they are smaller than tiny dots compared to the vast ocean of His. I am leaving all that is familiar, all that I have known to journey into the glory of the unknown. I have to let go of the old and the familiar. I have to let go of all I have experienced and understood thus far. I have to take courage and be willing to journey into mystery and allow the discomfort of this new to be a constant companion. I know if I want to live in the fullness that is mine, if I want to see His glory change the world this is the path I must travel.
I am already in, I know that resistance is futile – a force way greater than me pulls me in and in and in until I cannot see behind, in front or around. I let go of me because all I want is Him. I want to be lost in the knowledge of Jesus, I want only Jesus, I loose myself because He is all that matters.
This feels like it goes beyond Mary sitting at Jesus' feet. Since the wonderful, glorious cross, I am united with my Christ. I am free to go further than sitting at His feet. He has made the way for me to merge with His very being, to be in union with Him and to experience the joyous bliss of the new covenant. He has placed the fullness of the Godhead within my being and His river of life and glory flows from within wherever I place my feet. This is about being not doing, about resting not working, trust not strife, about sinking into the finished work of the cross where He has done it all. Being will lead me there – a path unfamiliar, alien to most. Nothing required, I don't need to lift a finger because He has done it all. I can trust His gravitational pull to draw me into the cloud of His presence and from here all else will flow. From here the sick are healed and the broken mended, the lost found and the abandoned adopted.
It is all about Him because He has done it all. He has caught me up into this incredible, transforming, intoxicating journey and I am happily helpless to resist.